Can “Reframing” really make the happiest kids in the world?
Have you ever had the experience where your child is visibly upset about something but you don’t know why? Maybe they come home after…
Have you ever had the experience where your child is visibly upset about something but you don’t know why? Maybe they come home after…
I finally did it. I told my daughter she had a vagina. She was 5 at the time and it was a big moment…
Dear Readers, Welcome to The Danish Way of Parenting! If you have come this far, you have probably heard about our book and are…
Reframing with children is about the adult helping the child to shift focus from what they think they can’t do to what they can…
Why are the Danes so happy? Year after year Denmark, a small country in the north of Europe is voted as having the happiest…
“We are all wired for empathy, we just have to learn how to connect the wires to make it work.”